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Helping Killer Whales Survive by Studying Behaviour

A project by: Darren Croft


WE RAISED £7,500

from 45 donors

This project received donations on Sun 09 Oct 2016
8 years, 4 months ago

We hit the target!!

A huge thank you to everyone who supported this fund raising campaign. We secured 100% of the required funding which is just incredible. We have been overwhelmed by the generosity of people and we really look forward to sharing the first of the drone video with you.

We will keep you update on progress with the project.

We will be in contact shortly to arrange the rewards for giving to the project.

A HUGE thank you again for all your help and support

Best Wishes


8 years, 4 months ago

97% funded and 24 hours remain

With just 24 hours remaining we have raised an incredible £7,322 this puts us just £178 short of our target.

It has been very touching to see just how generous people have been in giving to this campaign and we really look forward to keeping you all up to date with the progress on the research and to sharing the very first of the drone footage with you all.

Thank you all again for your incredible generosity.

Best Wishes


8 years, 4 months ago

Just one day left – we are at 94% of our target!!

We have just one day left now and we are so close to the target. We will be doing all we can to try to make sure that we hit the target.

A HUGE thankyou to all who have contributed both in sponsoring the project and also in sharing the news of the project via social media.

We have been overwhelmed by the response and generosity.

Best Wishes


8 years, 4 months ago

90% funded - we are nearly there!

We have had a fantastic response the last few days and we have hit 90% of our target.

We have just 3 days left now and we need £698 to hit our target.

A huge thank you for all your help and support with this project. We have been overwhelmed by the generosity of people giving to this project.

Best Wishes


8 years, 4 months ago

Just 4 more days and we are getting close to the target

We have had an amazing week and we have raised a total of £5,597. This is incredible and a huge thank you to everyone who has helped this project either by donating directly and or by spreading the news of our work. 

We have just 4 days left now and we will be doing all we can to try to make sure that we hit the target. 

Best Wishes


8 years, 4 months ago

Just one week left

We have just one week left to get the project funded. We are making excellent progress and we currently have over £4500. We have been overwhelmed by the generosity of people giving to this project.

It would be amazing if we can hit our funding target. This population is on the brink of extinction. A drone is going to revolutionise our understanding of key factors that are driving reproductive success and survival in these whales and help to inform future conservation.

Any help you can give in sharing the news of the project over the next week would be very much appreciated.

Many thanks for all your support


8 years, 4 months ago

Drones reveal how orcas share their food after a group hunt

Have a look at this amazing footage from Norway. Drones will completely change our understanding of these amazing animals.


Just 10 days left now – please spread the word.

Many thanks


8 years, 4 months ago

Nearly at £4000

A HUGE thank you for all your support. We have nearly reached £4000 which is just incredible. Please do share the news of this project.

Just 11 days to go.


8 years, 4 months ago

Incredible video

Just found this drone footage of false killer whales hunting. It is just amazing to get a bird’s eye view of these incredible animals.


Drones will transform what we know about marine mammals and we are very excited to start this work on the resident killer whales.

8 years, 4 months ago

Two weeks left of the funding campaign.

We have had an amazing response and we have raised over 50% of our target. We still have some way to go and we would really appreciate your help in getting people talking about this campaign. If you use social media please share and speak about this project and encourage others to get involved. With your help I really hope that we can get to the target.

I gave a talk at the recent superpod#5 (http://www.orcasuperpod.com/) meeting about the work of the Center for Whale Research and how we have been using this incredible data to look at the evolution of menopause. If you’re interested you can see a video of the talk here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4Zj5sUmOHr4

A HUGE thank you for all your help and generosity

Darren Croft

8 years, 4 months ago

We are over half way

A huge thank you to everyone that has donated to the project. I am delighted to say that we are now past the halfway mark. This is a fantastic achievement and the result of the tremendous generosity of everyone who has donated. We still have some way to go and anything you can do to promote this project would be very much appreciated. With your help I am sure we can get to the finish line. 

Thank you for getting us this far 

Best Wishes 

Darren Croft 

8 years, 5 months ago

Thanks to everyone for their fantastic support and amazing generosity.  We hit our minimum funding in the first week no doubt helped by the radio coverage- both national (UK) and local radio too. In addition to the BBC Radio 4 piece http://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/b07mxv62 with several audio clips and a link to the programme there was also a good BBC News magazine piece http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/magazine-37025092  with film clips (entitled “What can killer whales teach us about the menopause?). 

Please share the news and thanks again for your help!

Alan Denbigh on behalf of Darren Croft at Exeter University