Sanctuary Scholarships

A project by: University of Exeter

Education without borders

The University of Exeter is a global institution - we have students from over 140 countries across the world and are in touch with alumni in 183. We offer a truly international student experience as well as a safe learning environment. This is an experience we wish to be open to all.

Our Sanctuary Scholarships scheme is available for students who are seeking asylum, have limited leave to remain, 'humanitarian protection' or refugee status and International Care Leavers.

We are determined to support these vulnerable people at a time when borders are closing around the world and ensure they do not miss out on higher education. The Exeter Sanctuary Scholarships give displaced people who cannot access student finance a chance to study here by covering the fees and living costs of doing so.

"Sanctuary Scholarships removed the obstacle of accessing education as a refugee, and in the process allowed me to have a roof over my head in a warm room I can call my own for the first time in this continent. It also paved the way for me to focus on the things that matter the most and on a personal level, such as social integration and building a network. The scholarship allowed me to move on after the atrocities I have faced in my home country." Anonymous scholarship recipient.

These students are bright, able and determined but have faced extraordinary circumstances. It it our wish to be able to support more people like Sajjad, Bola, Anes and Roba. By donating to the Sanctuary Scholarships scheme you can give them the opportunity to fulfil their potential by studying at Exeter, and a chance to rewrite their futures.

Thank you.

Sanctuary Scholarships continue to support vulnerable students thanks to alumni donations

Since the launch of the Sanctuary Scholarship scheme, the university has supported 28 students (with at least another four to come in 24/25), both undergraduate and PhD, from 14 countries around the world. These include Ukraine, Syria, Iran and Palestine.

The Sanctuary Scholarship scheme enables individuals seeking asylum and refugees who are not able to access student finance, the opportunity to study at Exeter. Students in receipt of the award receive a full tuition fee waiver plus a grant for living costs.

Without doubt, these scholarships are life-changing as these testimonies from recipients attest:

“Winning the sanctuary scholarship changed my life in a way I could never imagine. It gave me a sense of purpose, safety, and financial independence. Now, I can rebuild my life in a safe environment provided for the University of Exeter and with my hard work and research contribute to society. Thank you very much for believing in us, because without you, transforming lives couldn’t be possible.”

“The sanctuary scholarship helped me live a normal life again where I can focus on being the best version of myself.”

“I hope that scholarship donors understand the impact that their gifts have on the lives of many students in this area. It’s a great help to vulnerable people who have potential and are desperate for a chance to prove their abilities and powers.”

“Sanctuary scholarships make it possible for refugees, such as me, to access Higher Education institutions and be giving equal opportunities without discrimination based on citizenship status or financial situation.”