Mindfulness in Kenyan Prisons

A project by: Emma Jones and Inma Adarves-Yorno


WE RAISED £2,335

from 27 donors

This project received donations on Fri 24 Aug 2018
6 years, 7 months ago

We received great support from the attendees of the International Conference on Mindfulness 2018 in Amsterdam @icm2018 at the beginning of July. People from all over the world enjoyed learning about how Mindfulness is changing lives in Kenyan Prisons!

Leonie Schueltke (Senior Associate of the Project who also co-created the Handbook) designed this wonderful informative poster sharing the research and achievements of the project to date – get in touch if you’d like to read it in more detail!

6 years, 7 months ago

Dear supporters of our Mindful Leaders in Kenya Project!


We are half way through this crowdfunder live until August 24th and we are delighted with the support we have received already! THANK YOU!!! The money donated so far will make a huge difference – and we still have time to raise more support and donations for this work!

We have decided to change the wording of our appeal, the project remains exactly the same and all donations will be used for the same work as before. We feel changing the appeal pitch to make it clearer where and how the money will be spent will help more donors to support the Mindful Leaders. This will have fewer words and be more specific. To be really clear – donations will support Phase 1 first, then Phases 2 and 3.

PHASE 1 - Inner Rehabilitation through the Mindful Leader TrainingWe are looking to expand the Inner Rehabilitation programme where inmates train other inmates – so this can be used in more prisons. We are aiming to raise £4,500 and have nearly reached half way in this phase with thanks to the kindness of sponsors already!

Then…PHASE 2 – Expanding Mindfulness training for the Welfare Officers –so they become ‘Mindful Welfare Officers’ who can train inmates in Mindfulness. This too will increase the reach of the programme into more prisons where the programme hasn’t reached… yet…. This work will need a further £5,000 to fund pens, paper, ink, photocopiers and electronic equipment, workbooks etc. 

PHASE 3 – OutreachMindful Leader inmates contributing positively to the community by sharing their Mindfulness teachings, through selling CD’s of their anthems, visiting local groups, receiving groups of people into the prison to learn, or creating online resources people can access to learn.

We also wish to support Mindful Leaders when they leave prison to continue providing outreach in the hard-to-reach areas of their locality. This work needs a further £2,000 for electronic equipment, pens, paper, more handbooks, recording costs to sell CDs of mindfulness teaching etc. 

We hope this provides clarity for everyone who wish to learn about this project! THANK YOU FOR YOUR SUPPORT! Please do share the appeal with anyone who would be interested. And if you can donate, then we are incredibly grateful - a million “thank you’s” from us all!

6 years, 8 months ago


Thank you for those who have supported us so far! We are all so grateful for your support! Your contribution will change many lives and will go such a long way in helping it expand and be more sustainable...THANK YOU!

For future sponsors, We are just over a week into this chapter of the Crowdfunding journey! Whatever you can give will make a big difference. Every little helps, for example, 57p will buy a notebook and pen for a Mindful trainee, to journal, reflect and take notes. So for the cost of a take away coffee in the UK, you can enable 5 people to have the resources to actively engage and participate in the Mindfulness programme - those who have donated, think of how many people we could reach this way with your donation!!!

The photo below is of Mindful Trainees and Leaders from Nairobi West, who kindly created letters to thank Sponsors - your money could help them! Please see the reward section to learn how to receive a copy!