University of Exeter Boat Club



  • £1

    Select this reward if you would like your name to be added to the side of one of our boats.

    Select this reward if you would like your name to be added to the side of one of our boats.

  • Gift visibility

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    Your details

    Home Address

    To maximise the impact of your donation through Gift Aid, we kindly request that you leave your details as an individual contributor.

    Communication Preferences

    The University of Exeter is committed to protecting your personal data and working in accordance with all relevant data protection legislation. Your data is used for alumni and supporter engagement activities, including fundraising. For more details, please see our full data protection statement at: To keep our costs down and to reduce environmental impact most of our communications are sent by email, but we may also contact you by post or telephone unless you ask us not to. Please confirm your communication preferences by ticking the boxes below. If you have previously provided your contact details and consented to receive contact from us, we will continue to use your historic preferences until you tell us otherwise.

    I would like to be contacted by the University of Exeter (please tick yes or no in each instance)


    Many educational institutions or organisations love to reach out to students, alumni or the general public, particularly those who have already shown an interest in their projects, students or activities. Check the box if you don't mind sharing your pledge and contact information with the project's institution.

    Donation Prompt


    Thank you for your gift on the University of Exeter giving platform. Your gift is tax-deductible to the fullest extent of the law. Please provide us with the following information in order for us to mail you an acknowledgment letter. Use this letter for income tax purposes to confirm that your payment is in support of the University of Exeter. The letter will detail either that no goods or services were provided to you in exchange for your gift, or the value of these goods or services.

    Your payment details

    Please make sure you enter the post/ZIP code associated with your payment card when prompted below, next to the CVC.

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