Research Project - Drones for Surveying Wild Orangutans

A project by: Cameron Goodhead


WE RAISED £2,028

from 54 donors

This project received donations on Wed 18 Mar 2020
5 years ago

Dear all,

Now that we have reached the target for my crowdfunder (£2000!! Wow!), I just want to take this moment to sincerely thank all of you for donating to support my research. It really means a lot to me, and without all of you, this expedition would not be happening. You have all been extremely generous and it is very much appreciated. It is nice knowing there are so many supportive people out there!

Despite ending up flying at possibly the worst time to travel thanks to Covid-19, I have  successfully arrived in Jakarta, and am currently sorting out research permits. I should be in Borneo on Thursday, where I will meet with Borneo Nature Foundation and we will get started with the project ASAP.

I hope to be able to post updates on the project here at least monthly, as well as keeping my social media updated with photos and stories. I will be posting regularly on either Twitter (@CamGoodhead) or Instagram (@camwildphotography).

I also intend to get a mailing list sorted for updates to be delivered straight to your email (if this is not of interest to you, please let me know and I will remove you from the list).

Once again, thank you so much for all your generous contributions and you will hopefully hear some updates on the project soon.

All the best,
