What is our aim?
Our objective is to be able to continue to play in league matches across the South West of England. The ability to play against these experienced teams will enable EUKC to grow in talent and ability and continue to provide a place where students that are interested in sport can grow and compete.We would like to grow the skill set of our members, by providing extra coaching sessions and also extra court time to enable every member of the club more game time.
Who are EUKC?
Exeter University Korfball club was founded 7 years ago as the only
gender-equal sport on campus. Korfball offers an innovative alternative to
single-sex team sports, having been specifically created to transcend the
gender-divide that exists in sport. 4 boys and 4 girls are on a team and play
directly alongside each other in a ball game that shares some similarities to
basketball and netball, while at the same time being entirely different. We pride ourselves on offering a
friendly and relaxed atmosphere which encourages students from all backgrounds
and athletic abilities to join the club.
Despite being a young club, we have achieved a lot already. In 2013/14 our 2nd team placed second in the South West Korfball League 2 and for the last two years successively, our 1st team has finished second in the British University and College Sport (BUCS) National Trophy Competition. We hope to build on this success in the coming years and to do so, we need your help.
We believe that our club offers a unique opportunity for students at university. Korfball is one of the few gender equal sports on campus which is an important focus of attraction and tackles the issue of gender inequality in sport, and society at large. Moreover, EUKC provides a relaxed atmosphere for a diverse range of students looking to stay active and is a sport that members can easily incorporate into university life. We want to raise the profile of the club on campus in order to attract more members to EUKC and to continue to expand a growing club that finds the balance between casual and competitive play.
Why are we fundraising?
EUKC are an entirely student led club. Despite this, we have been able to achieve great success at regional and national competitions. With the help of your donations, we will be able to continue to progress in local leagues and lessen the burden of transport costs on our members.
We have recently been awarded some funding by Sport England and this has been a massive help for getting the equipment we need to play and for help with coaching. However, we would like to build upon this to fund other aspects, such as travel as well as gaining extra coaching workshops and court time.
As a growing club we want to keep improving the
quality of Korfball we offer to our members, thereby allowing us to improve
their experience of playing the sport and to build on our success in competitions and
Your donations could help us afford more coaching time to help new players and our best teams improve their skills and get more enjoyment and understanding of the sport.
Our steadily growing membership year-on-year shows the impact the club has already had on a large group of students. In 2015/6, we entered two teams into BUCS for the first year and expanded the opportunities for our 3rd development team, which is continuing this academic year also. This project will allow us to continue supporting more teams and members with their transport costs.
Lastly we will also be able to afford to hire the court time needed for more players to enjoy quality matches and training sessions.
With the ability to lessen the costs for individuals we are hoping to attract more members and make it easier for everyone to join.
Where will the money go?
The money will go towards
- travel to local league games, this could be from Exeter all the way up to Bristol and the surrounding areas.
- hiring extra courts to play on if the University sports hall is booked up
- funding to hire coaches and train more student members as coaches for the club
Return travel train costs
- Exeter – Taunton: 8x £8.05 = £64.40
- Exeter - Lawrence Hill (Bristol 8x £19.55 = £156.40
- Exeter – Cranbrook: 8x £2.50 = £20
- In total with £500 raised we could cover a total of 2 matches in each location.
Cost of court time:
- Court hire costs £39/ per hour
- 12 games a term = 12x £39 = £468
- More court time, means more development for the entire club as we can put on more matches for the development squad!
Cost of coaching skills:
- 3x Level 1 coaching course = £210
- 2x Level 2 coaching = £500
- Workshops from a professional coach = £360
We are looking to drastically reduce these costs for individual members and make it easier for people from all backgrounds to participate in our matches. By raising this money to participate in matches the club will be able to improve the amount and quality of korfball offered. We can improve the quality of playing members both in skill and ability, improve local connections with other teams to ensure more friendly matches take place to build ability, and improve the overall sporting experience for our members by removing the worry of covering costs.
By supporting our travel costs at league level, you will be supporting our overall development to compete at a higher more competitive level and overall improving the experience of each and every member of the Korfball team. Progress in local leagues will enable success in larger regional and national competitions such as the British Universities and Colleges Sport League (BUCS), where our team competes against other university and college sides. This experience is invaluable both for raising the profile of the sport and also ensuring that members get a variety of competition and sporting experience.
By supporting the cost of coaching workshops for our members, you will help build a network of skilled players, which will help not only the teams progression but also the public profile of Korfball, as more and more people can get involved and carry these skills on with them after university. Also by supporting the cost of court hire, you will be enabling every member of the club to develop as it means those in the development squad can have extra game time, which will be invaluable to their progression.
Exeter University was named 2016 Sports University of the Year by the Sunday times and your donations will help us contribute to the sporting success of our university. On behalf of everyone at EUKC, thank you.
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Thank-You so much for your time,
Exeter Korfball Club #EUKC